Study AFRAUD- Design Emulation Project


This was the culminating project in a graduate-level design course at DePaul University. The prompt was to create an installation that would “delight”. I chose to parody the university’s Study Abroad flyers.

Initial locations also included Arrakis from Frank Herbert's Dune saga, but peer review established that it was too niche for the average student. We eventually settled on: Narnia, Mitochondria, The Void, A banana bread recipe from Food Network, and Pawnee Indiana from Parks and Recreation.

The designs went through 3 weeks of editing and peer review.

The design was emulated by reverse-engineering sans-serif font families, kerning, and hierarchy. It was constructed using Microsoft Publisher and Adobe InDesign.

The posters were installed in the main floor of a campus building, hidden among the other, more pedestrian destinations.
They gained attention from passers-by, and were eventually noticed by staff and taken down.

“Need a good laugh this finals season. Seriously, though, who made these?! Maybe you could help with our marketing efforts…"
-@DPUStudyAbroad on instagram